BMW X5 SERIES COMPLETE REAR M SPORT BUMPER BLACK 475 F15. Description for the Item. Complete rear M Sport bumper in worn condition Item has scratches, scuffs, dents! Item might have some time related usage marks – please see photos! Color – black-sapphire metallic (L0475) Fits: X5 series F15. N57 D30 B – 73145113. MT Auto Parts specialise in all kind of used BMW car parts. MT Auto Parts is a portfolio name of Maxis Trading Ltd – an independent vehicle dismantler. Maxis Trading Ltd is an Authorised Treatment Facility ATF permit number GB3106UW/A001. Bank account transfers (BAC). On collection cash or BAC. If order is damaged please take pictures of it as soon as possible. Deliveries won’t be made on Bank/Public Holidays. Item is damaged while installing. If item is used in not intended way. Item is damaged of misuse. Results of the theft. Item is damaged due poor storing conditions. If item is stripped apart unnecessary. General Terms and Conditions. If you are not sure about it – please get advice from us first. We can only advise if the BMW part will fit but the personal or professional check is strongly recommended. Before installing a part you have bought, you are therefore obliged to check it visually by comparing it with the original part being replaced as to whether the part ordered is suitable for your car. Powered by BreakerPRO Professional Inventory Management System for Dismantlers.