11-0023 MAXGEAR Shock Absorber for BMW. Shock Absorber Mounting Type. Piston Rod Diameter [mm]. Are you sure that this part will fit Your vehicle? If any doubts, just send us your vehicle identification number (VIN) and our highly qualified advisors will check and confirm! We have lots of genuine and aftermarket parts in large quantities in stock. If you can’t find any part or need a greater quantity, just send us a message, we will check and offer it to You! 81 4903 000 053. 81 4903 000 609. 81 4903 000 612. 81 4903 557 165. 81 4903 557 168. 81 4903 557 260. 81 4903 557 261. 33 52 1 093 646. 33 52 1 094 467. Axle : Coil Spring Axle, Suspension : for vehicles with standard suspension. Axle : Coil Spring Axle, Fitting Position : Rear Axle, Suspension : for vehicles with standard suspension. Axle : Coil Spring Axle, only in connection with : Serienfederteller, Suspension : for vehicles with standard suspension. Axle : Coil Spring Axle, Fitting Position : Rear Axle, only in connection with : Serienfederteller, Suspension : for vehicles with standard suspension.