ST Lowering sport springs 28220293 for BMW 5 (F10). ST SPORT SPRINGS ST suspensions is proud to boast one of thelargest applications for sport springs with more than 1000 vehiclesnow catered for. What’s more, ST sport springs are one of the fewlowering springs on the market that (in combination with thestandard suspension) will greatly improve the driving behavious ofa vehicle as well as its overall looks! Performance and style for every car Made from chrome silicon steel in a cold windingprocess, ST sport springs are multi-coated with a final expoycoating ensuring an OEM quality and finish. As a result, theywithstand a variety of weather conditions all year round. Dependingon the vehicle model, ST suspension sport springs will allow atypical lowering of around 20mm on the front axle and 15mm on therear axle. Some vehicles can achieve a much greater lowering withthe VW Golf Mk1 benefitng from 60mm on the front and rear axle! Furthermore, compression and rebound is also reduced which allowsthe car to drive more agile with reduced body roll. The ideal spring rate for every car The spring rates of ST sport springs have beendesigned to work perfectly with the standard dampers to ensure thedriving dynamics are improved and ultimately safe. Vehicle weight, wheel loads and the level of lowering has a huge impact on therebound and compression of a vehicle so it’s essential this is notcompromised. Depending on the level of lowering (for example 20mm, 30mm or 40mm), ST sport springs have different spring rates thatharmonize with the standard shock absorbers. Put simply the morelowering, the higher the spring rate. Great variety ST sport springs aren’t just available for newvehicles such as the Audi A7 Sportback or Mercedes-Benz E-Class:even classic and rare models such as the BMW M30 and Mk1 Golf willfind the perfect sport springs in the ST suspension productrange! Attributes Part number: 28220293 Product Category: Springs Approval: part approval (§19.3) Vehicle type: Car not selected. To see detailed product information, please select correct car. >BMW 5 (F10) 520 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 100kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 520 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 120kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 520 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 135kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 520 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 140kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 520 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 147kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 520 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 151kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 525 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 155kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 525 d xDrive Saloon Diesel 160kw 1995ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 528 i xDrive Saloon Petrol 180kw 1997ccm 4-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 535 i xDrive Saloon Petrol 225kw 2979ccm 6-Cylinder 2WD. >BMW 5 (F10) 535 i xDrive Saloon Petrol 240kw 2979ccm 6-Cylinder 2WD. WG Motorparts is built on our passion for cars. We supply aftermarket car parts for all makes and models of vehicles. Our network of over 50 global manufacturers means that we can get the parts you need, when you need them. And because we deliver worldwide we can send those parts anywhere, direct to your door. So if you need a specific part or a custom package that isn’t listed on our website yet, get in touch and we’ll do all the work. Ordered the wrong product? Get in contact with one of our knowledgeable support representatives today. Please be aware that some of our items are made to order and can carry extended lead times. Upon receipt of your order please check the package and contents. Why customer love us? “Item arrived quickly, no issues, will trade againfor sure”. “Happy, good postagedeal with anytime”. Would deal with again.